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Scoil Angela, Ursuline Primary School, Thurles, Co. Tipperary
Scoil Angela Concert Feb 12th and 13th at 7pm school halla.
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Little Angels Pre-School

Here at Little Angels Preschool we provide excellent quality preschool and Afterschool care on the Ursuline Campus. We believe in each child’s individuality and uniqueness. Throughout the duration of a child’s attendance at Little Angels our concern is for their happiness as well as their physical, emotional, and cognitive development.  We operate Monday to Friday from 9:00 am to 12:00pm for preschool children and 1:45pm to 6pm for Afterschool children.  We close over the festive season and all Bank and public Holidays.

Our goal is to provide a safe and caring environment, where children can gain a positive approach to school and learning. They will learn to care for, and respect each other, whilst learning how to be part of a group. Good nursery education is crucial to a child's formative years, and fosters an enthusiasm and confidence that will remain with them throughout their school life.

  • Our preschool is designed specifically for children – they are child friendly, happy, secure, bright and colourful with countless interesting and fun toys
  • We hold an Honours Degree in Early Years Education and provide our employees with First Aid, HACCP, Manual Handling, Health and Safety, Fire Safety and Child Protection Training to ensure the safety of the children in our care.
  • We are registered with the appropriate regulatory bodies such as TUSLA and comply with all regulations
  • Little Angels participates in the ECCE government scheme that provides two free pre-school years to children before they start primary school.  We are also part of the NCS funding.


We offer a unique service which puts the children’s happiness and comfort at the heart of all our activities. We recognise that Afterschoolers have particular needs and have developed our service after extensive consultation with both parents and children.  Your child will have access to a genuinely varied and exciting range of activities.  These change depending on the interests of the children and skills of the leaders. We have access to a large fully equipped playroom, garden and indoor halla.  We are innovative, friendly and most of all FUN